Ing. Jiří Louda, Ph.D.
Room: 208, FSE Moskevská 54
Phone: +420 608 468 676
Email: jiri.louda[at]
Personal web: ResearchGate
- Valuation of Public Goods
- Applied Economics in Public Services
- Energy and Society
- Identification and Valuation of Ecosystem Services
Research Interest:
My research focuses on the concept of ecosystem services and the implementation thereof in the practical environmental policies (especially in the area of the green and blue urban infrastructures and forest management) as well as on climate change adaptation and the economic context of implementing nature based solutions. Apart from that, I have also been dedicated in the long term to projects in the area of the energy sector. I have been working at the FSE UJEP since 2015. I am the principal investigator of several national and international scientific research projects and application projects of Czech-German and Central European cooperation. Since 2023 I am the director of the Institute for Economic and Environmental Policy (
Interreg Central Europe: ReBioClim – Restoring urban streams to promote Biodiversity, Climate adaptation and to improve quality of life in cities (2024-2027), principal investigator
Horizon Europe; SpongeBoost – Upscaling the natural sponge functions of freshwater ecosystems to deliver multi-benefit green deal solutions (2024-2027), member of the research team
Research programme of the Ministry of Agriculture: HODEZ – Assessment of organic and conventional agriculture in terms of their impacts on ecosystem services to support strategic and decision-making processes (2023-2025), principal investigator
Czech Science Foundation: Evaluation of hazard-mitigating hybrid infrastructure under climate change scenarios (2023-2025), member of the research team
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports: Smart City – Smart Region – Smart Community (2018-2022), member of the research team
Interreg Czech Republic – Saxony: BIDELIN – The value of ecosystem services, biodiversity and blue-green infrastructures in cities, exemplified by Dresden, Liberec and Děčín (2017 – 2019), principal investigator
Technology Agency of the Czech Republic: : Development of methods of economic evaluation of green and blue infrastructure in urban areas (2017 – 2019, TJ01000109), member of the research team
Interreg Central Europe: CE-HEAT – Comprehensive model of waste heat utilization in CE regions (2016 – 2019, CE622), principal investigator
Technology Agency of the Czech Republic: Supporting development of adaptation measures and strategies in cities (2016 – 2017, TD03000106), principal investigator
Selected Publications:
Louda, J., Dubová, L., Špaček,
M., Brnkaľáková, S., Kluvánková, T. (2023). Factors affecting governance
innovations for ecosystem services provision: Insights from two self-organized
forest communities in Czechia and Slovakia. Ecosystem Services, vol. 59.
Louda, J., Vojáček, O., Slavíková, L. (2021). Achieving Robust and Socially Acceptable Environmental Policy Recommendations: Lessons from Combining the Choice Experiment Method and Institutional Analysis Focused on Cultural Ecosystem Services. Forests, 12 (4): 484.
K., Bastian, O., Louda, J., Arcidiacono, A., Brzoska, P., Bue, M.,
Cetin, N.I., Dworczyk, C., Dubová, L., Fitch, A., Jones, L., La Rosa, D.,
Mascarenhas, A., Ronchi, S., Schlaepfer, M.A., Sikorska, D., Tezer, A. (2021).
Lessons learned from implementing the ecosystem services concept in urban
planning. Ecosystem services, Vol. 49(101273); 14 s.
R.-U., Neumann, I.; Grunewald, K.; Brzoska, P.; Louda, J.; Kochan, B.;
Macháč, J.;Dubová, L.; Meyer, P.; Brabec, J.; Bastian, O.
(2021). The Value of
Urban Nature in Terms of Providing Ecosystem Services Related to Health and
Well-Being: An Empirical Comparative Pilot Study of Cities in Germany and the
Czech Republic. Land, 10(341); 26 s. DOI:
Macháč, J., Louda, J. (2019). Urban Wetlands Restoration in Floodplains: A Case of the City of Pilsen, Czech Republic. In: Hartmann, T., Slaviková, L., McCarthy S. Nature-based Flood Risk Management on Private Land. Cham (Switzerland): Springer Nature, 111-126. ISBN 978-3-030-23841-4
Louda, J., Vojáček, O., Pechholdová, M., Barták, M. (2018). Effect of Mass Layoffs on Health Insurance Expenditures: the Case of the Ostrava Region. E+M Ekonomie a management XXI/1, 24-38. DOI: 10.15240/tul/001/2018-1-002
Vojáček, O., Louda, J. (2017). Economic Value of Ecosystem Services in The Eastern Ore Mountains, E+M Ekonomie a management, 2017. E+M Ekonomie a management XX/3, 4-18. DOI: 10.15240/tul/001/2017-3-001
Bastian, O., Syrbe, R., Slavik, J., Moravec, J., Louda, J., Kochan, B., Kochan, N., Stutzriemer, S., Berens, A. (2017). Ecosystem Services of Characteristic Biotope Types in the Ore Mountains (Germany/Czech Republic). International Journal of Biodiversity Science, Ecosystem Services & Management 13/1, 51-71
Květoň, V., Louda, J., Slavík, J., Pělucha, M. (2013). Contribution of Local Agenda 21 to Practical Implementation of Sustainable Development: The case of the Czech Republic, European Planning Studies, Vol. 22, Iss. 3. pp. 515-536. ISSN 0965-4313