Ing. Jan Macháč, Ph.D.

Room: 225, FSE Moskevská 54
Email: jan.machac[at]
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-4037-7756


  • Public Assets Evaluation
  • Public Economics
  • Management and Environmental Economics
  • Ecosystem Services

Research Interests:

In my research, I focus on the issue of economic evaluation of natural assets (in particular water and measures connected to nature) and utilization of the game theory in the area of environmental protection (in particular floods). Currently, these topics are being researched within the context of the ability to withstand global climate change. The key concepts of my research are societal benefits and preferences of inhabitants in relation to the environment. I have been working at the FSE UJEP since 2013. I have completed my doctoral study programme in the field of Economic Policy. Since 2015, I have been a member of the IWRA and since 2017 I have been a member of the international COST network Land4Flood: Natural Flood Retention on Private Land. In 2019, I established a national competition of undergraduate and postgraduate theses in the area of the environment called Czech Envi Thesis which I have been organising on an annual basis ever since.

Research (selected projects in last 5 years) :

MZE ZEMĚ: HODEZ – Hodnocení ekologického a konvenčního zemědělství z pohledu jejich dopadů na ekosystémové služby pro podporu strategických a rozhodovacích procesů (QK23020044, 2023-2025), member of the team

MZE ZEMĚ: Taxonomie – klasifikační systém hodnocení udržitelnosti zemědělství (Taxonomy – classification scheme for evaluation of sustainability in agriculture; QK22010354, 2022-2025), member of the team, project´ leader at UJEP

TAČR: PotravSOS: Zvýšením potravinové soběstačnosti k odolnosti společnosti vůči dopadům krize (Improving society’s resilience to effects of crisis by increasing food self-sufficiency; TL05000718, 2021-2023), main investigator

TAČR: Obce mluví o vodě: Komunikace implementace opatření na hospodaření s dešťovou vodou ve městech (Municipalities talk about water: Communication of the implementation of rainwater management measures in cities; TL05000674, 2021-2023), member of the team

TAČR: Integrovaný systém nízkonákladových retenčních prvků v krajině pro podporu evapotranspirace s rychlým realizačním potenciálem (Integrated system of low-cost retention elements in the landscape to support evapotranspiration with fast implementation potential;
SS03010167, 2021-2023), member of the team

TAČR: VODA VE MĚSTĚ: Modrá a zelená infrastruktura mezioborově (WATER IN THE CITY: Blue and Green Infrastructure Interdisciplinary; TJ02000067, 2019-2021 member of the team, project´ leader at UJEP

OP VVV: SMART CITY – SMART REGION – SMART COMMUNITY (CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/17_- 048/0007435, 2018-2022), leader of WP3

MZE ZEMĚ: Ekonomická podpora strategických a rozhodovacích procesů na národní i regionální úrovni vedoucí k optimálnímu využití obnovitelných zdrojů energie, především pak biomasy, při respektování potravinové soběstačnosti a ochrany půdy (Economic Support for Strategic and
Decision-making Processes at the National and Regional Level, Leading to Sustainable Energy use of Agricultural Biomass, while Respecting Food Self-sufficiency and Soil Conservation; QK1710307, 2017-2019), member of the team, project´ leader at UJEP

TAČR: Rozvoj metod ekonomického hodnocení zelené a modré infrastruktury v lidských sídlech (Development of methods of economic evaluation of green and blue infrastructure in urban areas;
TJ01000109, 2017-2019), main investigator

STRIMAII: Saxon-Czech Flood Risk Management II (100282105, 2017-2020), member of the team,
project´ leader at UJEP

Selected publications:

Macháč, J., Brabec, J., Arnberger, A. (2022). Exploring public preferences
and preference heterogeneity for green and blue infrastructure in urban green spaces. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 75, 127695.

Hudson, P., Raška, P., Macháč, J., Slavíková, L. (2022). Balancing the
interaction between urban regeneration and flood risk management – a cost benefit approach in Ústí nad Labem. Land Use Policy 120.

Forrest, S. A., Kubíková, M., Macháč, J. (2022). Serious gaming in flood risk
management. WIREs Water 9(4).

Hartmann, T., Löschner, L., Macháč, J. (2022). Upstream-downstream
schemes and their instruments. In: Hartmann T.; Slavíková L.; Wilkinson, M. E. (eds.) Spatial Flood Risk Management: Implementing Catchment-based
Retention and Resilience on Private Land. Elgar, p. 106–118. ISBN: 978-1-

Macháč, J., Brabec, J., Hekrle, M., Vacková, A. (2022). What Nature-Based
Flood Protection Solutions Are Best Perceived by People? Lessons from Field Research in Czechia, in: The Handbook of Environmental Chemistry. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 1–22.

Vojáček, O., Brabec, J., Macháč, J. (2022). Costs of achieving emission limits
in coal-burning power plants under the recent best available techniques
regulation amendment: Evidence from national microeconomic data. Journal of Cleaner Production 352, 131600.

Sýkorová, M., Macháč, J. a kol. (2021 a 2022). VODA VE MĚSTĚ Metodika
pro hospodaření s dešťovou vodou ve vazbě na zelenou infrastrukturu. Praha: České vysoké učení technické.

Macháč, J., Brabec, J. a Vojáček, O. (2020). Development and implementation of the concept of disproportionate costs in water management in Central Europe in the light of the EU WFD. Water Alternatives 13(3), 618–633

Dubová, L., Macháč, J. a Vacková, A. (2020). Food Provision, Social Interaction or Relaxation: Which Drivers Are Vital to Being a Member of Community Gardens in Czech Cities? Sustainability 12(22), 1-18. DOI:

Macháč, J., Trantinová, M. a Zaňková, L. (2020). Externalities in agriculture: How to include their monetary value in decision‑making. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 1-18. DOI:

Macháč, J. a Brabec, J. (2018). Assessment of Disproportionate Costs According to the WFD: Comparison of Applications of two Approaches in the Catchment of the Stanovice Reservoir (Czech Republic). Water Resource Management 32(4), 1453-1466. DOI:

Macháč, J., Hartmann, T. a Jílková, J. (2018). Negotiating land for flood risk management – Upstream-downstream in the light of economic game theory. Journal of Flood Risk Management 11(1), 66-75.