doc. Ing. Petr Hlaváček, Ph.D.

Room: 410, FSE Moskevská 54
Phone: +420 475 284 910
Email: petr.hlavacek[at]
ResearcherID: A-4971-2018
Personal web: ResearchGate


  • Regional Economics and Politics
  • Space Planning
  • Regional Development of the Ústí Region
  • Communities and Participation

Research Interest:

Within my research activities, I concentrate on the issues of socio-economic development of regions, towns, and municipalities in the Czech Republic with the focus on the Ústí Region, and that within the context of regional economy, social geography, public administration, and regional politics. I have been working as an assistant professor at the FSE UJEP since 2001. As of 2016, I have been entrusted with the management of the Department of Regional Development and Public Administration. I cooperate as an analyst with the Innovation Centre of Ústí Region (ICUK).


OP ST: RUR – Region univerzitě, univerzita regionu (2024 – 2027), člen řešitelského týmu KA 2: Kreativní společnost, C1: Znalostní hub pro transformaci Ústeckého kraje

OP VVV: SMART CITY – SMART REGION – SMART COMMUNITY (CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/17_048/0007435, 2018 – 2022), člen řešitelského týmu WP 4

TAČR: Smart Villages: sustainable rural development using Smart solutions (TL03000066; 2020-2021), leader of the research team

GAČR: Evolving trajectories of traditional industries in old industrial regions: governance, actors, institutions and leadership. (GA18-11299S, 2018-2020), Member of the research team

Selected Publications:

Hlaváček, P., Mata, M. a Zdražil, P. (2023). Differentiation of Developmental Priorities of Different Sized Municipalities in the Period of Acceleration of Developmental Changes within an Example of a Mining Region. Geoscape, 2023,17(2) 1-1.1 Dostupné z: doi: 10.2478/geosc-2023-0013

Hlaváček, P., Kopáček, M., Kopáčková, L. & Hruška, V. (2023). Barriers for and standpoints of key actors in the implementation of smart village projects as a tool for the development of rural areas. Journal of Rural Studies, 103, 103098. DOI:

Mempel-Śnieżyk, A., Hlaváček, P. (2022). Are clustering and R&D institutions in post-socialist states functional tools for sustainable development?, European Planning Studies, 30(10), 2022-2042, doi: 10.1080/09654313.2021.2013779

Hlaváček, P., Skalník, V. (2021). The Implementation of Smart Energy into Transformation of the Rural Area: The Use of Public Policies for Smart Villages Development. International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy, 11 (4).

Hlaváček, P., Siviček, T. (2017). Spatial differences in innovation potential of central European regions during post-transformation period. Journal of International Studies, 10(2), 61-73. doi:10.14254/2071-8330.2017/10-2/4

Hlaváček, P. (2017). Use of innovation vouchers for the regional innovation environment development. Economic Annals,XXI, 166(7-8), 91-95

Hlaváček, P., Raška, P., Balej, M. (2016). Eastern European postcommunist cities: Current trends and community needs. Habitat International, 56, s. 31-41

Hlaváček, P., Bal-Domanska, B. (2016). Impact of Foreign Direct Investment on Economic Growth in Central European Countries. Engineering Economics, 27(3), s. 294-303