doc. PhDr. Peter Brnula, PhD.
Room: MN 211, Campus, Pasteurova 1
Phone: +420 475 283 874
Email: peter.brnula[at]
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-3977-1454
- Introduction to Social Work
- History of Social Work
- Theory of Social Work I and II
- Professional Ethics
- Current Theories of Social Work
Research Interests:
I currently work at the Department of Social Work at the FSE UJEP, and I simultaneously work and lecture at the Department of Management and Supervision at the Faculty of Humanities, Charles University.
I professionally act as a lecturer (accredited by the Czech Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs) and a supervisor (accredited by the Czech Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs) in several institutions in Slovakia, as well as in the Czech Republic. My most interesting lecturer experience was providing education for assisting personnel in Ukraine in 2016; my most interesting work experience took place within the transformation of social services and deinstitutionalisation of housing social services in Slovakia.
I lecture in the area of the history of social work, ethics in social work, and the theory of social work which is also my area of research interest. In the application field of social work, my attention is drawn to the application of theories of social work in practice, ethical decision-making of social workers, and the topic of social services transformation.
SGS UJEP: Sociální práce ve vzdělávacím systému, 20 let od pádu zdi v Matiční (2018-2019), spoluriešiteľ
SGS UJEP: Život a potreby postmoderních veteránů v České republice (2016), hlavný riešiteľ
VEGA: Identifikovanie profesijných hodnôt sociálnej práce v Slovenskej republike(2015-2017, 1/0335/15), spoluriešiteľ
Projekt: Thematic Study – The Asylum-Seekers’ Perspective: Access to Information and Effective Remedies (2010), člen výskumného tímu
Projekt EU: Kvalitný výskum – podmienka úspešnej integrácie (2009), výskumník
Selected publications:
Brnula, P., Vaska, L. (2020). After the Divorce: Social Work in Slovakia Sience the Paceful Divison of Czechoslovakia. p. 51-64 in: Lorenz, W. – Havrdová, Z. – Matoušek, O. (eds). European Social Work After 1989. East-West Exchanges Between Universal Principles and Cultural Sensitivity. Cham: Springer. ISBN 978-3-030-45810-2
Mátel, A., Brnula, P. (2019). Identifikácia členov profesijnej komunity sociálnej práce na Slovensku s kľúčovými hodnotami profesie. Sociální práce 3/19, 117-137
Laštovková, J., Brnula, P., Novotný, L. (2019). Očekávaní a realita novodobých válečných veteránu. Relatívní deprivace jako možný riziko. Obrana a strategie 2, 19-34 Brno
Krakešová, M., Kodymová, P., Brnula, P. (2018). Sociální kliniky. Z dějin sociální práce a sociálního školství. Praha: Karolinum – Univerzita Karlova. ISBN 978-80-246-4300-7
Brnula, P., Kodymová, P., Michelová, R. (2014). Marie Krakešová priekopníčka teórie sociálnej práce v Československu. Bratislava: IRIS. ISBN 978-80-89726-00-4
Brnula, P., Kusin, V. (2013). Fenomén pomoci v sociálnom myslení. Bratislava: Iris. ISBN 978-80-89238-81-1