Doc. JUDr. Pavel Mates CSc.
Room: 113, FSE Moskevská 54
Phone: +420 475 284 613
Email: pavel.mates[at]
- Basics of Law
- Administrative Law
- Constitutional Law and Political Science
Research Interests:
My research interest focuses mainly on the issue of administrative law, whereby I pursue the issue of administrative sentences, privacy protection, and e-government. At the moment, I am also engaged in the issue related to the administrative organisation of the state. I have been working at the FSE UJEP since 2007. I have been awarded the degree of Associate Professor. Moreover, I am the guarantor of the subject Basics of Law. I am also an active vice-chairman of the Czech Legislative Commission on Administrative Law no. 2, and a chairman – i.e. a member – of several appeals commissions of central administrative bodies. I am a member of the editorial board of the Bulletin advokacie (Advocacy Bulletin) and a member of the examination committee for the area of the administrative and constitutional law of the Czech Bar Association. I am a member of the examination board for PhDr., as well as Ph.D. examinations at law faculties in Prague and Brno.
TAČR: Vnitřní a vnější periferie v regionálním rozvoji Česka – od genetické determinace k územní kohezi (TL03000527, 2020-2023), člen řešitelského týmu
Selected publications:
Mates, P. (2020). Liberace v odpovědnosti za přestupky. Acta Universitatis Carolinae 66/2, p. 159–165,
Mates, P., Černý, P., Lechner, T., Skalka, P. (2020). Nahlížení do spisu podle občanského soudního řádu, trestního řádu, soudního řádu správního, správního řádu a daňového řádu, Praha: Leges
Mates, P. (ed.) et al. (2019). Ochrana osobnosti, soukromí a osobních údajů, Praha: Leges, 427 s. ISBN 978-80-7502-349-9
Mater, P., Šmíd, J. (2019). European Clauses in the Constitution-Are They Really Necessary? Czech Yearbook of International Law X, Hague, 111-132
Mates, P. a kol. (2017). Základy správního práva trestního. C. H. Beck, Praha. ISBN 978-80-7400-680-7