doc. Ing. Slavomíra Svátková, CSc.
Room: 203, FSE Moskevská 54
Phone: +420 475 284 704
Email: slavomira.svatkova[at]
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-8149-6025
- Czech Tax System
- Tax on Consumption
- Tax Theory and Practise
- Czech Tax System – Theory and Practise
Research Interests:
I studied Finance at the Prague University of Economics and Business and my life has been dedicated thereto ever since. I focus on the issue of taxation, both from the perspective of tax theory and professional experience. I specialize in Czech tax issues, within which I also engage in tax on consumption. My attention is also drawn to taxes in my publication and scientific activities. It is the publication activity that is of higher value to me as it allows me to reconcile my professional knowledge with the pedagogical approach and forces me to put forward “something new”. My first student book Bakalářské minimum z daní (Bachelor´s Minimum in Taxation) (1994) was thus one of the very first student books on the Czech market focusing on the theory of taxation. The very same year saw yet another co-author publication called Daňové minimum pro začínajícího podnikatele (fyzickou osobu) (Tax Minimum for Entrepreneurial Beginners – Natural Person) which, as one of the very first publications, reacted to the need of the then entrepreneurial practice. My next student book – a four-book collection called Excise and Environmental Taxes in the Czech Republic (2009) was in the year of its first publication, in regard to its extent and elaboration, the first professional publication on the topic of selective taxation in the Czech Republic. In 2009, the publication received the prestige publication award of the Prague University of Economics and Business Rector and the Best Department Publication Award of the year 2009. My most extensive publication, exceeding the boundary of 600 pages of text, is a publication called Co nenajdete v zákoně o DPH (What Is Not to Be Found in the VAT Law) (2002). In a similar fashion to the previous publication, this one, too, transcends the border of the university environment and is utilized by the wider professional public. Since 2012, my four-book collection Česká daňová soustava mapující tuzemský daňový a sociálně pojistný systém (Czech Tax System Mapping Out the Domestic Tax and Social Insurance System) is being published on an annual basis. I have been working at the FSE UJEP since 2013 as an Associate Professor at the Department of Finance and Accounting. I am a guarantor of tax-focused subjects.
JPD3: Rozšíření akreditace bakalářského studijního programu Daně a finanční kontrola na kombinovanou formu studia (2006-2007), spoluřešitelka
GAČR: Zatížení spotřebního koše domácností daněmi ze spotřeby v České republice (GA 402/04/1069, 2004-2006), řešitelka
Selected publications:
Svátková, S. (2020). Česká daňová soustava. Praha: 1. VOX a.s. ISBN: 978-80-87480-79-3.
Svátková, S. (2019). Česká daňová soustava. Praha: 1. VOX a.s. ISBN: 978-80-87480-73-1.
Svátková, S. (2018). Česká daňová soustava. Praha: 1. VOX a.s. ISBN: 978-80-87480-64-9.
Svátková, S. (2014). Selektivní daně ze spotřeby. Daň z přidané hodnoty. In Daňový systém ČR – cvičebnice (s. 44). Praha: 1. VOX a.s. ISBN: 978-80-87480-30-4.
Svátková, S. (2013). Dvacet let samostatnosti spotřebních daní v české daňové soustavě. Socioekonomické a humanitní studie, 3(2), 60-74. ISSN: 1804-6797.
Svátková, S. (2012). Selektivní daně ze spotřeby. Daň z přidané hodnoty. In Daňový systém ČR – cvičebnice (s. 45). Praha: 1. VOX a.s. ISBN: 978-80-87480-10-6.
Svátková, S. a Zídková, H. (2011). Možnosti a meze principu reverse-charge. In Teoretické a praktické aspekty veřejných financí. Praha: VŠE v Praze. ISBN: 978-80-245-1763-6.